Gym people and the rest

What I call gym people are the ones who are training in the gym all year long, the rest are the ones going to the gym on key moments of the year for short term results, new year resolutions, beach body, back to school, etc.

Gym people are people who love working out, they can’t live without it, so it’s obvious that they don’t miss any training session and that you see them everytime you go there. They get in shape because they like the process that makes it happen.

The other people go to gym because they think it’s the only way to get in shape. What I’m trying to say here is that the will to get in shape is a great resolution, but maybe you find it on your list each year because you’re doing it in a way that you don’t like. So this year, instead of taking a gym membership like everyone else will be doing, and stop going one month later because you find it boring, find something else to do.

There’s plenty of ways to get in shape and most of them don’t require a gym membership. If you like team sports, you can join a local team that practices a sport you like, hockey, ultimate frisbee, soccer, etc. You could also find a friend and play tennis or badminton with him/her as a team or just against each other. If you don’t like team sports or competition you could also do a more individual activity like jogging, hiking, biking or swimming.

This isn’t close to being a full list of the activities you can do, there is tons of activities you can do that you may enjoy while getting in better shape, the trick is to find something you like doing so it will last more than a few weeks. Just look at what’s available in your town and try new things. When you’ll find something you actually like, you won’t have to force yourself to practice it regularly. You don’t have to lose hope if you’re not a gym person, there’s so much to do outside the gym.

As a last note, don’t forget that getting in shape and being healthier in general requires clean eating too. Exercice alone will surely get you some results but eating food that’s good for your body will help it reach its full potential.

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