What would you do if you had no job?

Your answer would probably be “Search for a job”. That’s not exactly what I’m talking about. Imagine yourself in a parallel universe where your basic needs were fulfilled. You would have food on the table, a roof above your head and some clothes to wear without the need of having a job to pay for it nor would you need to hunt and build everything yourself. What would you do with all this free time?

Take some time, think about it a few minutes or maybe give yourself a full week to come with an answer. There is no “one size fits all” answer to this question, it’s up to you to think about it and find what you think would be worth doing with your time. Maybe you like running, or drawing, or playing guitar, just think about what you like to do and what you would like to do.

When you’ll finally get a satisfying answer to the question (don’t restrict yourself to only one thing), it’s time to get back to reality and know that you still have engagements and responsabilities. You won’t be able to do the activity/ies full time (at least in the beginning) but why not start by cutting down on TV and beer and try it out? If it’s something that matters (or has the potential to matter) to you, give yourself time to practice it.

The way you set up the needed equipment can also greatly help you to start doing something. If you like drawing for example, just keep a paper and pen at hand and scribble when you get the chance. The easier it is to start doing it, the greater the chances that you’ll actually do it. So keep things at hand. If you’d like to ride your bicycle more often, don’t store it in a shed where it takes 10 minutes just to get it out of there, you just won’t do it. I keep my bicycle in my apartment so it’s easy to go for a ride. Long story short: make it easy for yourself!

Why is it so important?
It may not be clear for you yet, but it will positively impact your life. Doing what you like will make you a happier person, and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want to be happier and I don’t see any downside to it. Being happier also means that you’ll radiate positive energy so you’ll obviously get positive feedback in some way.

We just have one life, so why should we spend it all on things we hate? Think of it that way: You heard songs and words, you saw pieces of art, you also saw people do amazing things, and maybe some of them touched you profoundly in some ways, inspired you or maybe even encouraged you to be a better person. But what we often forget it that we all have the hability to generate that effect on other people if we give ourselves the chance. Go ahead and be a creator, do what you’re meant to do and invest yourself in it. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had the chance to make the world a better place and put a smile on someone’s face?

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