Taking control over your own life

It seems easy, and if we don’t take the time to think about it deeply, we can also think that we already are in control. But are we?

Are you thinking freely? Or are you constantly trying to do what others are expecting you to? Are you trying to appeal to people you don’t even know? Do you feel like you are what you are now because of something or someone else than yourself?

Then maybe it’s time to take control of your own life. In my opinion, it’s more of a psychological drill than anything else, but it will have a lot of impact on your physical life too. The concept is really simple, yet, like many other things, hard to apply concretely.

Like I just said, the most part of it has to happen in our head, and the rest will follow. We have to take responsability for what we have now, and for what we are. There is some randomness in our lives, we didn’t choose the conditions in which we were born and raised, but as grown adults, we can decide what we do for ourselves. The past is gone, it’s time to concentrate on what we can do now and in the future. The choices we made before have lead us to the present moment, whether we were in total control of ourselves or influenced by someone/something else. We have to accept what we have done and accept that it was ours. No matter if the outcome has been good or bad, we chose it. If you’re currently in a bad relationship, or have a job you hate, just remember that you chose that path, no matter how much other factors were pushing you in that direction, you took the final decision. And don’t see it as a bad thing. Because once you take responsibility for it, it feels less of a burden, because it will also remind you that if you chose to be part of it, you can choose to get out of it too.

We also can’t decide what are our talents, qualities and flaws. We have to work with what nature gave us. And it’s not a bad thing either, we all have our unique combination of aptitudes and incompetences, we just have to make the best out of it. Stop that “working on your flaws to get better” bullshit that keeps you average and start exploiting what you’re already naturally good at, which really gives you a chance of shining at something. The rest will come naturally.

It’s a mental thing, try it for yourself, make a choice, while keeping in mind that YOU are deciding and see for yourself. Sweep out what your friends and family will think, brush out what other people will think of you, decide as an individual. There’s a great chance the choice you’ll make will be different than what you would have expected. Why? Because you made the choice for yourself, knowing that the outcome would also be yours.

Now you may be thinking that I’m encouraging you to act selfishly, and you would be half right. Let me say it that way: if you don’t take care of yourself, who will? The answer is nobody, or someone who will benefit from it, so you’re alone in the end. But don’t worry, there’s something else too. Imagine yourself having control over your life, what will your life be like? You’ll probably be more at peace with yourself and have a better self-confidence knowing that you actually have the power to change things. And if you’re living well with you own self, you’ll naturally spread positive energy and inspire people around you, whether it be by your happiness or by what you create by following the path you were made for. So in the end, your selfishness benefits everyone.

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