Positive thinking

I’ve always been told that I was a negative person and that I was always complaining about everything. I recently made the switch to become a more positive person and it really didn’t happened the way I thought it would. So I thought that I’d share it here because it could help someone else.

I’ve always thought that positive thinking was forcing ourselves to believe in a positive idea of a situation over the negative ones. It doesn’t seem to work that way. In the last few weeks I was surprisingly positive compared to what I normally am. I wasn’t richer than I was before, I didn’t have a better job, I didn’t have a girlfriend or any other person closer to me than I normally had. The only difference was that I took time for myself, writing, reading, drawing, making music, working out at the gym and watching anime. These activities made me feel good about myself, and it automatically made me see life on the positive side. Working had now become less of a chore, I had less road rage while driving and I was just in a good mood all the time. Because my mind was fulfilled by all that creative work and entertainment, all the bad things had now a lot less hold on me. (and when I say “entertainment”, I’m not talking about reality shows or other similar things, but more about things that entertain me while also stimulating my brain)

It’s just like everything became less stressful because I was at peace with myself by finally doing what my body and mind really needed to do. I was being a positive person without even trying, it was just a side effect of doing what I liked. I don’t have much else to say about it, it’s that simple, do what you’re meant to do, and see how everything around becomes a lot more enjoyable.

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