Good luck

A sentence we hear quite often, “good luck”, I know most people use it with good intentions, but it’s wrong in my opinion.

And why is it? Because wishing good luck to someone implies that the outcome of a situation depends only on luck.

Let’s take a simple example that most people have probably already experienced in their own life. A friend of yours is having an exam tomorrow, or a job interview, and you say to them something like “Well, good luck!”.

It’s not about luck at all, it’s about how much that person prepared herself for it and/or if she is qualified to do it. Of course you could say that there are some parts where you have no control on, like the difficulty level of the questions asked, which could be helped with luck. But if you think about it for a second, you’ll find out that someone took the time to prepare those questions too, and unless that person is incompetent, there is not much place left for chance. You either get it or you don’t.

I believe in taking responsibility for ourselves and understanding that we can make our life better by making the necessary changes by ourselves. By removing “luck” from my vocabulary, I do one step in the direction of controlling my own life and setting my mind to believe that almost anything is possible and that I just have to decide that I will make it happen. Of course it’s not as easy as saying “I want to become a billionaire” and do nothing about it. But by making changes one after another then I can come closer to it.

Making it clear in our mind that we have control over our destiny, is already a step towards achieving what we strive for because it will inevitably push us to see the actions we can do and which opportunities we can use to come closer to our goal. Compared to relying and waiting on luck (or lack of it) to decide for us, which as you have probably already noticed, won’t go out of its way to make us happy.

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