Not giving a f**k

In my opinion, this is the best answer to life, “not giving a fuck”.

We’ve been taught since we were young to give a fuck about everything. Our appearence, what other people think of us, our grades, politics, environment, the weather, our job, our reputation, etc. But what does caring also creates? Stress, of course. Because when you think about something, you also have expectations about how it will be, and when reality doesn’t meet your expectations (which is probably more often than the opposite), you stress.

So if you want to release some stress, just let go of what isn’t important for you to care about. In other words, don’t give a fuck.

“But I can’t stop caring about everything in life?” Probably not, but you can stop caring about what you have no power on, and also about what isn’t necessary for you to care about. For example, I found out that documentaries about pollution, global warning and other bad things about human society get me really depressed. So I avoid them as much as I can. You could say that I do like the austrich and put my head in the sand, which is true, but I wouldn’t do anything about it even if I knew about it, so I better keep this stress off my shoulders and spare my energy for something else. On the contrary, some other people will get motivated by these kind of things and will work to make a change, and it’s great that way. We just have to find what gives us energy and what removes it from us.

I won’t talk about each thing we care too much about but I think that one in particular deserves a closer look: Caring about what people will think of you. Eliminate this one from your life and start living for real. Just think about how much time you spend thinking about that stranger you saw at the grocery store that looked “weird” before completely forgetting that he exists. That’s probably the same time as the rest of the world thinks of you when they see you if they are not attracted to you in some way (or if they don’t need to sell you something). Our life is already overfilled with responsibilities, activities, notifications and everything else so nobody has time to care about anybody other than themselves. If you had to care about what one person would think of you, make that person be yourself. Make sure you can stand for your own choices, it is all that matters.

Just a quick tip: When you’re unsure about doing something or not, just say to yourself “I don’t give a fuck!” (ou pour mes amis francophones du Québec: “J’m’en câlisse!”) and feel the caring escape you, letting you the fraction of a second you need to actually do the action without feeling bad about it. And once it’s done, you have to live with it no matter what’s the outcome, but at least, you did it. (please don’t get me wrong, I’m not encouraging you to do bad things, but if you lack a little confidence for asking a girl/boy out for example, this can make the difference between getting a date or never see the person again)

Going forward in life

You’re tired of doing nothing with your life? Stop waiting for everything to be perfect and start making decisions that will take you forward to your goals.

Sometimes I feel like my life is at the neutral gear, I just seem to be idling. Part of that is because I’m always waiting on something I have no influence on before doing what I want/have to do.
I found that when I stop carring about those things I have no power on and I start pushing forward with my ideas and projects everything seems to still get into place correctly.

Sure everything won’t go perfectly and you’ll face some challenges by living that way but it will make your life more exciting and it will give you confidence and motivation to have more projects.

So stop waiting for magic to happen and start making that magic by yourself!