Why do I write?

The other day, I was driving back from the grocery store and I was thinking about an article I was writing just before and it hit me, the question, “why do I have a blog and why am I writing on it?”. The answer came as fast as the question, I write because I have something to say… and no one to hear it. That’s it, I have no one in my life who is able at the moment to receive what I have to give, so I write it on the internet to relieve myself of a message, and in hope that someday, somewhere, someone will be able to receive it and understand it.

I find it pretty sad in a way, but also nice at the same time. It’s sad to be alone and not being able to share something deep with someone, really. Not that I don’t have a family or friends, just no one that can really understand my depth. Which as a consequence, makes me write for the internet instead of directly talking to people. But like we say in french: “les paroles s’envolent et les écrits restent”, which means that what we say is soon to be forgotten but what’s written is there to stay, also meaning that what I write will be able to reach people even after I forget about it.

Another reason why I write, which is less “selfish” as we could say, is to help people, or simply to make the world a better place by sharing things that may not be obvious for everyone, one article at a time. I hope that somebody reads what I write and that it makes their life better in some way, whether it saves someone some time on an IT related problem or encourages someone to make positive changes in his/her life. At some point in my life, I felt like I was receiving a lot more than I was giving. So I now try to give what I can instead of just keeping everything for myself.

Writing also seems to be the best way for me to express myself, because when I write, I can take all the time I need to choose the right words to really express things the way I want to express them. While speaking I mostly just try to fit the most words I can before the other person starts talking again. But also when speaking to someone, what the other person says will make me think of something else and I’ll change subject, when I write, I can concentrate on one subject and take it all out.

So yeah I love writing and I’ll certainly won’t stop as long as I’m able to do it!