Perfectionism as a beginner

Think about it for a second, perfectionism is about pushing a work as closest to perfection as possible. And being a beginner is about starting to do something new, which we don’t have any or few experience doing. So how can we make something perfect when we don’t even have the capacity to do so?

Am I telling you to stay in your confort zone and never learn anything for reason of not being able to do it perfectly? Obviously not, I’m telling you to stop caring about perfection and start working while knowing that your first projects and/or creations, whatever they are, won’t be fully satisfying. What you will instead get in return will be some knowledge and experience in the said discipline which will make your next project a little closer to what you expect it to be.

I recently started drawing manga style characters, and they were awfully bad looking. But everytime I have the chance I draw one more and little by little they are starting to look more and more like what I’m seeing in manga and anime. So if in the beginning I was expecting perfection, I would probably have stopped there and never draw again because I wasn’t physically capable of attaining that level. But I decided to accept the imperfection of what I was doing, allowing me to continue doing it and getting closer to my goal of drawing something that looks like what it is supposed to.

It’s not just about learning an art form, it can be applied to anything that has to be learned, whether it’s learning a new language, mechanics, gardening, etc. You have to go through the unsatisfying part to someday get to the satisfying one. And the way to do it is to accept the imperfection.